2018: Malawi Musings #8

Dear one,

I have returned from Malawi greatly energized and encouraged. As you might recall, I began this fifth venture with some fear (probably ill founded), but certainly my return on the 24th was not as my flight on the 10th. If nothing else, the difference between my “outbound” and my “inbound” hours was my realization that I am still clay within the Potter’s hands: although I am convinced that I bear beneficial gifts of teaching and encouragement, prompting growth and change within those I encounter, I know that I too am subject to growth and change. From hindsight, I now recognize that I did not rightly anticipate when, where, and by what agency further change might occur within me. Your trekking these days with me encouraged my growth, which I trust encouraged growth within others.

Prior to leaving for Malawi, you might also recall that I was to meet with the General Secretary, Colin Mbawa, of the General Assembly of the CCAP. During our hour-and-a-half meeting, I felt my heart knit with his: we share very common desires for the pastors of Malawi—to encourage and equip them for further ministry. As I listened to him, I recognized that I do not have the necessary gifts and expertise to facilitate the kind of “spiritual retreat” he desires for the synod leaders of the CCAP; nonetheless, I sensed that in the near future (2020?) he and I might join together in providing spiritual retreats for the pastors of Blantyre Synod (located in southern Malawi). As always, the path before me is mostly hidden.

On Tuesday morning, October 23, just before my return flight, I met with Gracious Madimbo, in order to evaluate our pastors’ retreat of October 15-18. Administratively Gracious was utterly essential to our retreat, and I was pleased to join with him—even as we shared a common perspective: the retreat provided genuine encouragement and refreshment. As a result, we made tentative plans for my return to Malawi, July 25 – August 10, 2019. During that time I hope to lead a retreat in Mulanje (in Blantyre Synod) and another in Lilongwe (Nkhoma Synod) at Mutheto Lodge. But more than these plans, I was greatly encouraged by his vision as to how these retreats and the materials I’ve been writing might truly aid leadership development within the Malawian church. For my efforts to bear much fruit, they must become Malawian.

In a few days, I will share more of this with you.

