R-U-M December 2018

Dear one,

 Some weeks ago—in fact, prior to my Malawi trip of October—I indicated that I believed that Romania, Uganda, and Malawi were to be the countries to which I was being drawn, conceivably for the next five to seven years. However, following my recent experience in Malawi, I began to wonder: As much as I have enjoyed relating to and ministering among the pastors and church leaders of Romania, does it not make more sense to focus my energies upon Uganda and Malawi?

However, not long after posing this question, I had opportunity to reconnect with one of the key Romanian leaders with whom I’ve been privileged to relate. During that brief encounter, I realized how much I’ve enjoyed relating to him (and by extension, other Romanians), and, as we spoke, I recognized that a further but slightly different opportunity for me might emerge within Romania. That is, a chalet/ retreat center is being renovated and expanded, which might then allow for me to annually encourage pastors in Romania in much the same way that I hope to continue in Uganda and Malawi. Needless to say, this possibility has greatly excited me.

And then, not many days later, I had one of my monthly Skype conversations with a pastor in Romania—part of my attempt to provide spiritual direction—and of a sudden I found that he and I were talking about the possibility of his traveling to Africa, in order to encourage pastors there. This turn in our conversation in no way had I anticipated, and yet there it was: a Romanian pastor desiring to care for Ugandan and/or Malawian pastors. I can think of nothing more delightful, and fully consistent with the New Testament: Jesus came for the lost sheep of the household of Israel, only to feed and include within His fold Gentile sheep. Likewise, Paul a Jew from the East sought to enfold into the expanding Church Greeks and Romans of the West. Why should this Romanian of a Baptist tradition not join an American of a Presbyterian tradition, in order to encourage Ugandan and Malawian pastors from Pentecostal and Presbyterian traditions? I know not why.

So, at this writing tickets have been purchased for Uganda (6/5-21/19), and dates are being firmed for Romania (3/21 – 4/5/19???) and soon the same for Malawi (7/25 – 8/10/19???).

In all of this I am grateful for your share, even as I give thanks for our Lord’s pro-vision and faithfulness.

