2018: Malawi Musings #7

Dear one,

My hope had been to communicate with you prior to this moment—in truth, I had written much of what now follows as I awaited my flight from Dulles to Indy, but alas I did not complete what I had begun. This noted, I have returned greatly energized and decidedly hopeful.

At any rate, for the moment I would share with you feedback from last week’s pastoral retreat. In another day or two, I hope to reflect more fully with you my evaluation of “Malawi 2018”—and most especially the promise offered by my twelve days in Malawi. 

On Tuesday Gracious Madimbo, the Missions Director for Nkhoma Synod, and I gave good thought to my returning to Malawi in July/August of 2019. From that meeting, he provided me these pastoral responses from those who attended the retreat: 

“It has been a good life changing training. My life has been taken higher. It has encouraged me to have a new way of doing missionary work. Through the reading of The Sent OneI found it very inspiring and teaching. The book is really a blessing to me.”

“[The retreat] offers an opportunity for ministers to retreat from pastoral work and refresh, network, and share notes and faith with each other. [It] was very well organized and the venue was good for retreat. I wish we could have more time to pray together … It would be good to hold this retreat twice a year. It would also be good to follow up how the retreat is impacting participants.”

“The resource person has had a very wonderful revelation to come up with comprehensive approach towards presentation of Gospel of John. My observation is that through this retreat, Gospel of John is relevant to current world challenges. The retreat is likely to bring about positive results, and through prayers our partners in USA must consider mobilizing resources to continue with the project.”

“Every participant was aroused to learn more and more. It was like a new material, which has just been discovered for the first time! Mr. Director, thank you for inviting me to this wonderful mission seminar retreat. May the good Lord Jesus Christ bless your work in the Mission Department.”

“[Because of the retreat,] preaching will be enriched, with deep rich material—solid food indeed!”

I have returned believing that twenty-one pastors have been meaningfully encouraged, even as I myself have been.

I am truly grateful for your share in the meaning of these days.

