Seeing and Hearing ...

Dear one,

Within the last 13-14 months, we have become very familiar with this virus graphic or something similar: “No. of Cases: No. Vaccinated: No. of Deaths.” As you well know, easily we can find such information for our counties, states, and nation. When we do so (at this writing, confirmed cases are 132million, with the US leading at 30.9million), we often find the numbers overwhelming, telling their own, grim story of suffering.

During the past 4½ years, I have had the privilege of relating meaningfully and regularly with pastors and/or pastoral students in Romania, Uganda, Malawi, India, and the Philippines. In our relating, often and understandably we speak briefly regarding “the pandemic.” Most recently, in relating to two different pastors in the Philippines I heard these comments:

  1. “We are now in ECQ (i.e. “Extreme Community Quarantine”), which means only one family member at a time may leave the house, and only between the hours of 5am to 6pm. The government fears a great spike. Perhaps each family will receive some money from the government; but most likely we might receive a sack of flour and rice.”

  1. “The economy in the Philippines is now what it was during WW2. If the economy remains essentially in lockdown, many people will simply starve to death. If the lockdown is removed, many will die from the virus.”

In sharing these comments—and I recognize that they are “hearsay”—in no way do I seek to minimize the difficulties we Americans have faced, but rather to recognize that other sights and sounds can be, and perhaps ought to be added to our coronavirus picture. We are a richly blessed people, with resources much of the world cannot fully imagine, even if daily they see and hear our lifestyle exported through videos.

Seeing and hearing.

I have been reminded of the blind beggar as recorded in John 9:1-41. As the man begged, Jesus’ disciples saw and heard the result of sin; as he walked about with sight, friends and neighbors saw and heard a spectacle worthy of wonder and argument; as they now beheld him, his parents saw and heard a cause for fear: the religious leaders’ ire; and as he encountered those same religious leaders, they saw and heard a reprobate, one of Jesus’ would-be-followers. And Jesus? He saw and heard one in whom “the works of God might be revealed” (9:3).

I wonder whom or what you will see and hear today.

Praying for open eyes and ears.

Ps. For the next two weeks, Mary and I will seek R&R.