Perspective ...

Dear one,


The word “perspective,” derived from medieval Latin, suggests “looking through,” as if through a lens; and in these days of the coronavirus, I do believe that recent conversations have provided me a lens. 


            “Many Romanians are not so educated,” a dear pastor and bank manager shared with me. “Regarding ‘social distancing,’ for instance: I’ve been required to wear surgical gloves and mask, but the other day, when the police chief came into the bank, he asked: ‘Why the gloves?’”

            “Did he understood your explanation?” I asked.

            “No, but perhaps soon he will. This morning we were crowded, but tomorrow should be different: the government is now clamping down further. Already those 65 and older must stay home, except 11am-1pm, when they can buy food.”

            “Is that working?”

            “For now. However, my greater concern is Italy and Spain. 4-5million Romanians live outside the country; but now, without work, they’re returning home. Who knows how many of them are infected? The government will seek to quarantine them—with surveillance cameras. Anyone’s guess if that’ll work. Furthermore, Europe will be subject to a domino-effect: every country will fall. Even Prince Charles has been infected. From the greatest to the least.”


            “All of us are quarantined until April 14,” a Filipino pastor of Luzon stated. “After that we’ll see.”

            “Has that been hard?” I asked.

            “Well, we don’t have much to do—very few books and movies. And you know, the government has issued passes.”


            “Every family has been given one pass—meaning, only one person can leave the house at a time. We’re all quarantined. And that’s a problem: the church treasurer lives on the other side of the city and he can’t get to the bank. But some church members are sending us pesos.”

“That’s a blessing.”“And the government gave every family a basket of groceries.”  


“This week,” a missions director wrote, “we are treating over 60 [orphaned] children for malaria … In just the past couple days, the cost of antimalarial drugs has increased by 400% … Food costs are rising rapidly due to the double threat of COVID-19 and the locust plague … It is crucial that we purchase food supplies [for three months], before prices rise higher.”


“When [Jesus] went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And he began to teach them many things” (Mark 6:34).

Through a lens dimly,
