Our 2020 Budget

Dear one,

As I anticipate 2020, and with the hope that once again you might help financially and/or in prayer, I would have you know that we are planning three international trips:

 ·      January 14 – February 1: Uganda: 2 pastoral conferences at the Otino Waa orphanage; 

 ·      April 29 – May 15: Romania: 1 pastoral conference, and regional teaching; 

 ·      July 22 – August 8, Uganda: 2 more pastoral conference also at Otino Waa. 

 ·      A total of 51 days of ministry and travel.

 Here are our 2020 budgeted costs for Shepherd to Shepherds. If you can help us in underwriting these costs, we will be truly grateful. Below you can find the contribution form.

Airfare for the 3 trips:                                                  $4300

Food & Lodging for the 3 trips:                                 $2300

Conference Costs:                                                       $3400

Books:                                                                          $3650              

(published, translated, and transported)

                        Total:                                                   $13,650.


A further thought or two:

For the July conferences in Uganda, we desire to help underwrite their cost. That cost is the above stated $3400. We are grateful that Shepherd to Shepherds has already given $3300 toward the January conferences. The Romanian conference is funded fully by Zionsville Presbyterian Church.

If you would like to help financially, the form below should make the process easy. However, please feel free to connect with me via phone or email concerning any questions you might have about Shepherd to Shepherds and the year before us.  

Always with a thankful heart,








Preference for the Ministry of ZPC Missions and/or Programs

Please mail this form with your check to: 

Zionsville Presbyterian Church Attn: Finance Office
4775 W 116th Street Zionsville, IN 46077 

Donor Name(s) ______________________________________________________________________ I / We want to support the ZPC mission/program _____________________________________ We are sending our gift of $_____________________ 

I/We agree to the following conditions: 

  • Donor shall be entitled to recommend to Zionsville Presbyterian Church what mission fund /program these proceeds are in preference for. Donor understands that any recommendation shall be advisory only, will not be binding upon Zionsville Presbyterian Church, and will not be the sole criteria used by Zionsville Presbyterian Church in determining amounts to be funded for this mission fund / program. 

  • We understand that gifts to the church, with an expression of preference for the above mission fund / program are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. 

  • We understand that there will not be any refunds. 

  • We understand that the use of the gift is subject to the sole discretion and 

control of Zionsville Presbyterian Church. 

Donor Signature _________________________________________________________ Donor Signature _________________________________________________________